Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Upcoming Agile South Coast events: July 15 and July 22 2014

Next Southampton Event is 7pm, July 15 at the OS HQ 

There's a change to the normal rolling schedule of the Agile South Coast meetings in Southampton this month, and so we'll meet up on July 15 at 7pm at the OS office (the usual venue). Register with the (one off) Eventbrite registration (replacing the normally rolling event): http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/one-off-agile-south-coast-asc-southampton-meetup-tickets-12089823989

Next Bournemouth Event is 7pm, July 22 at Unicorn Training

In Bournemouth the plan is to meet on the third Tuesday of the month, as usual, at Unicorn Training. Again, register for this via the Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/agile-south-coast-bournemouth-july-2014-tickets-12329424641. Stuart has offered to set up a Google+ Hangout for people who would like to join in remotely (and miss out on the pub chat afterwards!)

The link to use to join the hangout will be
Please test your computer can handle this by clicking the link to join the hangout in advance (try it now!)


Suggest topics for either event either here in the comments, or over in the LinkedIn discussion group: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Agile-South-Coast-1802122

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